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Concept flying mouse

Future technology Concept flying mouse
Future technology Concept flying mouseFuture technology Concept flying mouseFuture technology Concept flying mouseFuture technology Concept flying mouseThe Bat - a new concept of the studio KIBARDIN. The Bat - is the name given the levitating computer mouse, which deserves to work in a secret cave of the Dark Knight, that is Batman. However, the concept has not only aesthetic but also practical value. When the user does not work with the mouse The Bat, mouse free soars at a height of about 4 inches above the surface of the table and retained by...

Concept Printer Clothing for 2050

Future yechnology Concept Printer Clothing for 2050The ability to create customized objects, such as 3D printing,  is increasing in sophistication and marketability.  People are becoming more and more aware and comfortable with the concept of printing objects for immediate use. Clothing Printer a concept design that would eliminate the need for closets, washing machines and dryers, thus saving space in the crowded urban environments of...

Concept Talking Shoe smart-sneaker

Future technology Concept Talking Shoe smart-sneakerGoogle is widely known for its experimentation in technology. Together with artist Zach Lieberman and YesYesNo were created smart sneaker that can talk back and can connect the wearer’s activity to the web, if the wearer chooses to. This advertising project that combines fashion with technology, which could well be the gateway for intelligent clothing to assist secret agents. Featuring an acce...

Concept the roller vehicle

Future technology Concept the roller vehicleThis concept vehicle of the future Roll and R1de  equipped with spherical wheels that can move in any direction. As an energy source used hydrogen elements. The car has the most low profile and, of course, is made of light, strong composites.  Was designed for the not-so-distant 2030s. (more...)

3D Mouse of the Future

Future technology 3D Mouse of the FutureThe 3DConnexion-SpaceIlluminator-Mouse - 3D Mouse of the Future. 3D mouse, engineered to excel in today's most demanding software environments. With an advanced ergonomic design and innovative On-screen Display 3DConnexion-SpaceIlluminator-Mouse delivers superior comfort and a simpler, more productive workflow.   (more...)

Marine robots will save drowning

Future technology Concept the marine roboticThere is already a lot of robotic quadrocopter that can be used for various purposes. For example, for a variety of visual effects that robots can make right in the night sky. Or, alternatively, for a more serious purpose - to track criminals. But the new development offers a different, more practical vision for the future of robots - robots will save drowning. (more...)

The interface of the future, as in the movie "Minority Report"

Future technology  interface of the futureIn 2002, director Steven Spielberg in film  "Minority Report»  safely has assume, that in 2054 will be the control technology of visual information - a document or image will be projected in the air and will be interactive.  Many experts do not only then, but and today  believe that such interfaces are physically impossible. Who today is not dreaming about how to contro...

Concept wise soul

Future technology Concept wise soulHere is concept shower of future. It is equipped with a motion sensor that will automatically turn on and turn off the water, as well as greater security screen where you can see the weather forecast and read the latest news. Synchronization with a smartphone user is via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. (more...)

Concept «dry» washing machine

Future technology Concept «dry» washing machineLG pleasantly surprises lately. The company seriously took rethinking of "smart" appliances, with a focus on new technologies, design and sustainability - all this meets the requirements of modern times. It's like magic, but LG is preparing something really awesome. We are talking about a new generation of washing machine that does not require water to wash your clothes. Senior vice p...

A look at the touch Interface of future

Future technology A look at the touch Interface of futureSensors surround us around. Smartphones, tablets, laptops, even hours - everything has in its structure touchscreens in which so nice to conduct your fingers. It is no wonder that this technology is actively being developed by companies, because for her future. Here and  Fujitsu Laboratories, known for its scientific achievements, tried to look at the next few years, and, apparently, to capit...

Concept of a smartphone MorePhone

Future technology Concept of a smartphone MorePhoneAlmost every month in the market there are new models of smartphones. Every year they acquire become more and more functions, replacing all other devices. To draw the user's attention to a range of reminders and notifications, application developers for today's smartphones and tablets are coming up with a variety of ways, which are reduced to combinations of light and sound alarm, which, inciden...

Commuter Concept navigator

Future technology Commuter Concept navigator
Future technology Commuter Concept navigatorFuture technology Commuter Concept navigatorFuture technology Commuter Concept navigatorThe company TomTom has introduced the concept of on-board navigator Commuter, which shows the possibility of such devices in the future. The device should assist the driver in daily trips in which a navigator do not  use, because know the entire route to and from, for example, between work and home. Commuter in real-time quickly and accurately can tracked on the way to the goal jams and oth...

Concept interactive control system at cooking

Future technology Concept interactive control system at cookingControl is an interactive cooking control system, designed for especially physically disabled people and also for all kind of users. Project is consisting 2 units. These are “induction cooking plate” and “control pad”. Pad is charging when attached to the cooker. The connection is provided by Bluetooth. Pad can be positioning vertical or horizontal on table. Can check the cooker whe...

Vertical Kitchen Ecooking

Future technology Vertical Kitchen EcookingDemand for compact and modular homes are going up. Ecooking - a project of the vertical kitchen, which not only saves space, but also because of the closeness of the modules saves energy. All elements of the kitchen run on solar power, and a built- small garden provides the fresh vitamins to the table. The water coming from the shell is filtered and fed into the dishwasher, and then again filtered...

carbon fiber tricycle Bemoove

Future technology Concept the carbon fiber tricycle BemooveIn the industry of vehicles there have been a positive metamorphosis,replace the large and powerful vehicles on electric cars. For automakers, this technical change is a serious reason to reconsider the approach to the design and design of machines in general. For example, now become relevant ultra-compact vehicles, so small, that you can not tell that in front of you, a car or a motorcycle. The...

Concept Future Microwave Oven

Future technology Concept Future Microwave OvenKaya - concept the mobile microwave oven, which ease not only reheating process, but preparation of the product. On the touch screen, ovens, you can control the temperature and cooking time, and the visual image of the product will vary, prompting you, what will happen to him after this treatment. This will not only help you to set more accurate data, but also helps to avoid burning the product. ...

Stroller-bike for modern moms

Future technology Stroller-bike for modern momsThis new original bike, which also can be a stroller, making it easy to drive even in public transportation (subway, bus). In addition you can freely go shopping, visit the cafe. With the bike do it very uncomfortable, but if it becomes a regular stroller, then with this problem can easily handle. And as soon as the need bike - 20 seconds, and your stroller into a convenient means of transportati...

Sony A4 digital paper – digital notebook

Future technology Concept Sony A4 digital paper - digital notebookSony has unveiled a prototype electronic notebook called Sony A4 digital paper, oriented to the education sector. Name of gadget a speaks for itself: with a special stylus,can recapitulate the lectures and annotate PDF-documents. Novelty is equipped with a 13.3 inch touchscreen E-ink display with a resolution 1200ı1600 pixels and has 4 GB of internal flash memory, a slot for memory cards microSD,...

TOBI Mobile Phone

Future technology Concept Mobile Phone TOBIDesigner Tania Oneill sees design as a problem solving tool, bridging the gap between a product and its user. Form, technology and their interaction with people,fascinate. Here, one of the projects of the designer. Just have a look. (more...)

Flexible electronic paper

Future technology Flexible electronic paperIt's fun! Sony has provided for tests in Japanese universities prototype of a new 13.3-inch flexible E Ink display. Its form factor coincides with a sheet of A4, and the weight is only 60 grams. The display has a high mechanical strength and can operate as a graphics tablet. (more...)

Concept Cellphone CELS

Future technology Concept Cellphone CELSMost modern smartphones are designed only to increase productivity.  These a concept CELS phone is aimed at his versatility. Concept has only four main functions: music, photography, fitness and fellowship. Phone not has even  Internet, but this is offset by a simple and easy-to-use interface. The phone is able to rotate in the middle, giving the user interface of the player or cell phon...


Future technology Concept TIME-LINETIME-LINE consist of a single-clockwise, which through a system of fixed and removable magnets may be attached virtually any surface. At the base of the arrow, which is a circle, is the green LED indicator - its position in the circle refers to minutes. Built in the TIME-LINE GPS-timer provides rotation most arrows and the LEDs in accordance with the current time. This watch - while only a concept...

Concept ultra-compact gaming PC

Future technology Concept ultra-compact gaming PCArtists studio BMW DesignWorksUSA sometimes to love take a break in the development of new cutting-edge cars and do something more affordable and close to the people. Thus was born to light the Gaming computer, called M8, it was created in partnership with ASRock, which has great experience in the development of computer parts. It will be the first such computer for ASRock and it will be shown at ...

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